[Math] Finding the number of distinct sub-strings in a binary string.


Whilst solving a question, I have come across a problem regarding the maximal number of possible distinct $k$-length binary sub-strings in an $n$-length binary string.

My thought process was that if you take some $n$-length binary string, then the number of possible sub-strings could be found as follows:


But this doesn't take into account the maximum possible number of distinct sub-strings, which will be $2^{k}$, when we're looking for sub-strings of length $k$.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I could find the maximal number of distinct sub-strings (of length $k\le n$) contained within some binary string of length $n$?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

I took my own advice: it's "Maximal number of distinct nonempty substrings of any binary string of length n." It seems that there is a question about this sequence that is very simple to state but is still open.