[Math] Finding the largest possible delta in a epsilon-delta limit


$$\lim_{x\to0}\frac{x^2+2x}{x^2-3x} = – \frac{2}{3}$$

Given that $\epsilon = 0.01$, what is the largest possible $\delta$ according to the epsilon-delta definition of the limit?

Here's what I've done by myself, but I'm getting stuck:

$$\left|\frac{x^2+2x}{x^2-3x}+\frac{2}{3}\right|<\epsilon\ \text{ if }0 <x<\delta$$
$$\left|\frac{3x^2+6x+2x^2-6x}{3x^2-9x}\right|<\epsilon\ \text{ if }0 <x<\delta$$
$$\left|\frac{5x^2}{3x^2-9x}\right|<\epsilon\ \text{ if }0 <x<\delta$$
$$\left|\frac{5x}{3x-9}\right|<\epsilon\ \text{ if }0 <x<\delta$$

I could split the absolute value into two separate ones and multiply the denominator up to the other side, but that wouldn't get me any closer to isolating x. Even plugging in 0.01 for $\epsilon$ doesn't seem to help. What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

I could split the absolute value into two separate ones and multiply the denominator up to the other side, but that wouldn't get me any closer to isolating x.

Sure does. When $x$ is small and negative, the fraction is positive, so:

$$\frac{5x}{3x-9}<\epsilon$$ $$5x > (3x-9)\epsilon$$ $$5x > 3\epsilon x - 9\epsilon$$ $$(5-3\epsilon)x > -9\epsilon$$ $$x > \frac{-9\epsilon}{5-3\epsilon}$$

where the inequality sign was flipped because $3x-9$ must be negative under this assumption. The case for positive $x$ is much the same (and I'll leave it to you to do the details).

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