Calculus – Finding the Inverse of the Arc Length Function


I'm just a simple high school math student, so please don't eat me =)

In my calculus text, I have the formula:

$$L(x) = \int_{c}^{x} \sqrt{[f'(t)]^2 + 1}\,dt$$

Where $L(x)$ is the arc length of a curve $f(x)$ from $c$ to $x$.

How can I invert this function so that I can find valid values of $x$ to satisfy a given arc length? Something like $L^{-1}(x)$.

Best Answer

Nice idea!

As long as the function $g(x)$ is well-behaved, we have the following very important result. Let $$G(x)=\int_c^x g(t)dt$$. Then $G'(x)=g(x)$.

This result (and some related ones) is called the Fundamental Theorem of (Integral) Calculus.

Now let us apply that to your problem. We obtain $$L'(x)=\sqrt{1+(f'(x))^2}$$

Use the above equation to solve for $f'(x)$ in terms of $L'(x)$. If you take $L(x)$ as known, you have found an explicit formula for $f'(x)$, and all you need to do is to integrate.

Now comes the unfortunate part. For most pleasant functions $L(x)$, the resulting integration problem will be either difficult or more often impossible (in terms of standard functions).

I hope that this gives you something to play with. You will find out why there is such a limited number of different arclength problems in calculus books!

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