[Math] Finding the height of an arc with a known arc length and a known width


I have a graph that is 5280 units wide, and 5281 is the length of the arc.

Knowing the width of this arc, and how long the arc length is, how would I calculate exactly how high the highest point of the arc is from the line at the bottom?

Best Answer

Consider the complete circle which contains that arc. Let $\theta$ be the central angle (in radians) subtended by the arc, and $r$ the radius of the circle.

Then, the length of the arc is given by $r*θ$ (by the definition of the radian).

Using the right triangle formed by the center, the midpoint of the chord and one of the ends of the arc, we get that the length of the chord is $2r\sin \left( \frac{\theta}{2} \right)$.

Therefore, we get the following equations: $$\theta r = 5281 \iff r = \frac{5281}{\theta}$$ $$ 2r\sin \left( \frac{\theta}{2} \right) = 5280$$

Substituting we get: $$\sin \left( \frac{\theta}{2} \right) = \frac{5280}{5281} \frac{\theta}{2}$$ which cannot be solved analytically. You can solve it numerically, though, for a value of roughly $\theta = 0.067 $, giving $r = 78 821$.

Then (using the same right triangle as before), the height of the arc is given by $ r - r \cos \left( \frac{\theta}{2} \right) =44.2$.