[Math] Finding the harmonic conjugate of $u(x,y)=\sinh(x) \sin(y)$

complex-analysisharmonic functions

I know this is already a harmonic function but I am having trouble finding its harmonic conjugate. My instructor did this:

$v_{x}=\cosh x \sin y \implies v(x,y)=\sin y \sinh(x)+g_{1}(x)$
$v_{y}=\sinh x \cosh y \implies v(x,y)=\sinh x \sinh y+g_{2}(x)$

I guess I'm supposed to find what $v(x,y)$ equals and eliminate one of the $g$'s? I don't know.

Can someone help?

Best Answer

It is easy to show that the Laplace equations is satisfied, $\nabla^2u=0$. Therefore, we can go about find the harmonic conjugate. By the Cauchy-Reimann equations, we have \begin{alignat}{2} u_x &=\cosh(x)\sin(y) &&{}= v_y\\ u_y &=\sinh(x)\cos(y) &&{}=-v_x \end{alignat} We can integrate $u_x = v_y$ by $y$ so $$ v(x,y) = \int\cosh(x)\sin(y)dy = -\cosh(x)\cos(y) + g(x)\tag{1} $$ Now, $-v_x = u_y$ so $$ -v_x = \sinh(x)\cos(y) - g'(x) = \sinh(x)\cos(y)\tag{2} $$ Can you take it from here? Next, you will be solving for $g(x)$ in equation $(2)$ and then plugging it into equation $(1)$ to identify the harmonic conjugate $v(x,y)$.