[Math] Finding the equation of oblique asymptote of non-rational function


I have the function: $f(x)=2x-2^{x}+2$

I know that this function has an oblique asymptote, but all the tutorials I can find on google, are with rational functions with the form:


Where they simply just divide the denominator with the numerator.

But I can't do that, because my equation doesn't contain any fractions. So my question is: how do I find the function to the oblique asymptote for my $f(x)$?

Best Answer

$$\text {Hint: for}\ {x\to -\infty}, \ {2^x\to0}$$ $$\text{the oblique asymptote has the form }\ y=mx+q$$ $$\text{and to find m and q you calculate the following limits:}$$ $$\ m=\lim_{x\to-\infty}\ f(x)/x$$ $$\ q=\lim_{x\to-\infty}\ [f(x)-mx]$$