[Math] Finding the Bias and Variance of an Estimator


$$u (\text{mean}) = \frac{X_1} 5 + \frac 4 {(5N-1)} \cdot (X_2 +X_3 + \cdots + X_N)$$

I'm supposed to find the bias and variance of this estimator, but not sure how to do this. The sample is independent and normally distributed. This is a review problem set and we didn't cover this in class, so I'm a bit rusty. Would appreciate guidance.

What I have so far:

$$\frac{5X_1}{5N} – \frac{NX_1}{5N} = \frac{X_1(5-N)}{5N}$$

$$ \frac{X_2 +X_3 + \cdots + X_N} N – \frac 4 {5N-1} \cdot (X_2 +X_3 + \cdots + X_N) = \frac 1 5 \cdot \frac{X_2 +X_3 + \cdots + X_N} N$$

So bias: $ (X_1(5-N)/5N) + (1/5) (X_2 +X_3 + \cdots + X_N)/N$ right?

I totally forgot how to find variance, would appreciate guidance on this. What I have so far on variance:

$$\text{Var} = \frac 1 N \left(\sum_i X_i^2 – \left[N \cdot \frac 4{5N-1} \cdot (X_2 +X_3 + \cdots + X_N)\right]^2\right)$$

that's all I have so far. Do I need to simplify further? Also that's all I need to find MSE right?

Best Answer

For a computation of the bias you should to tell us the parametric distribution of the (iid?) random variables $X_i$. (I post this as an answer because my reputation is not sufficient to post it as a comment).

EDIT: Ok, then let $\mu$ and $\sigma$ be the parameters of the normal distributed iid random variables $X_i$. According to the comments above the corrected estimate is:


with a slight modification of the denominator $(5N-1)\to5(N-1)$ (which make sense). Then, the expectation value is


That is, the estimator is unbiased since $\text{E}[U-\mu]=0$.

Similar to the Variance:


For large $N\to\infty$ the variance approaches to


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