[Math] Finding the area inside the region $1+\sin(\theta)$ but outside $r=1$

calculuspolar coordinates

I am trying to find the area inside the region $r=1+\sin(\theta)$ but outside $r=1$, this is my integral
$$A=\dfrac{1}{2} \int_{\pi}^{2\pi} \left[\left(1+\sin(\theta) \right)^{2}-1^{2} \right] d\theta$$

I know how to evaluate the integral but I don't know why I am getting a negative value… the first curve is the outer curve and $r=1$ is the inner curve, and that is why I am subtracting $(1)^{2}$ from $\left(1+\sin(\theta) \right)^2$ … can someone kindly tell me if there is something I am missing here?

Best Answer

You want the region satisfying $1<r\le1+\sin\theta$, which implies $\sin\theta>0$ and $0<\theta<\pi$. So your calculation should be of$$\frac12\int_0^{\pi}[(1+\sin\theta)^2-1]d\theta=\int_0^\pi[\sin\theta+\tfrac12\sin^2\theta]d\theta=2+\frac{\pi}{4}.$$