[Math] Finding position/movement of a particle along a horizontal coordinate line given a specific function


One of the practice problems in my book states: A particle moves according to a law of motion $s=f(t) __ [m], t>=0$, where $t$ is seconds. A particle moves along a horizontal coordinate line in such a way that its position at time $t$ is specified by $s(t)=t^3-12t^2+36t-30$:

  • a) When is the particle standing still?
  • b) When does the particle move left?
  • c) When does the particle move right?
  • d) Find the total distance traveled during the first 10 seconds.

(If I'm understanding this correctly) I would plug in $0$ for $t$ to answer (a) and then do the same with $10$ for $t$ to answer (d), but how do I answer (b) & (c)? Or am I missing something with (a) & (d) as well?


Taking Ross's suggestion, for (a) I have the following:


Still not sure what to do in order to answer (b), (c), (d)?

Best Answer

Draw the graph of s'(t) ; positive means it moves right; zero means stand-still. negative means it moves to left.

Find s(10) for distance traveled.