[Math] Finding particular solution when solving recurrence relation

discrete mathematicsrecurrence-relations

I have a question about how to find the particular solutions when trying to solve recurrence relations. For example, trying to solve

$$ a_{n+2} = -4a_n + 8n2^n $$

I begin with finding the roots in the characteristic polynomial associated with the homogeneous equation, so

$ r_1 = 2i $ and $r_2 = -2i. $

Then, because the roots are complex, the general solution is

$$ a_n^{(h)} = 2n\left(\alpha \cos\left(\frac{πn}{2}\right)+\beta \sin\left(\frac{πn}{2}\right)\right) $$

Now, my textbook suggests trying a function of the form

$$ (An+B)2^n $$

when trying to find the particular solution. I don't understand why and I have come across a couple of other examples which have made me equally confused as I am this time. Could anyone shed some light on the matter? Is there some sort of "abc-solution" for this?


Here is what the book tells me to do. Only I don't really understand how to use it in this example.

The book tells me this:

For the case of the nonhomogeneous second-order relation

$ a_n + C_1a_{n-1} + C_2a_{n-2} = kr^n $

where k is a constant, we find that

a) $ a_n^{(p)} = Ar^n $ for A a constant, if $r^n$ is not a solution of the associated homogeneous relation.

b)$ a_n^{(p)} = Bnr^n$ where B is a constant, if the general solution = $c_1r^n + c_2r_1^n$ where $r_1 \neq r$

c) $a_n^{(p)} = Cn^2r^2$ for C a constant, when the general solution = $(c_1 + c_2n)r^n$

Best Answer

To use GF you need to multiply both sides by $z^k$ for some variable $|z|<1$ and sum over k. A generating function is a function of the type $G(z) = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} a_k z^k$, so the first term on RHS will be $-4 G(z)$ and so on.

Algebraically you need to get $G(z)$ on LHS and some function $\Phi(z)$ on RHS and equate coefficients of $z^n$. This will be your 'closed-form expression' for $a_n$.

EDIT: here's the equation. You `massage' LHS a bit to get $\frac{G(z) -a_0 -a_1 z}{z^2}$ and set $2z=s$ and $ S=\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} ks^k $ to get $$ G(z) -a_0 -a_1 z = -4 z^2 G(z) +8 z^2 S $$

now you need to follow my suggestions above to get what you need