[Math] Finding Jordan basis of a matrix $(4\times 4)$

jordan-normal-formlinear algebra

I'm facing a problem finding a Jordan basis for this ($4 \times 4$) matrix:

I know that the characteristic polynomial is $\lambda^4=0$ and it's minimal polynomial is: $x^2$. This means that $(A-0I)^2=0$. Also the Jordan form for this matrix is
$$\left(\begin{matrix}0&1&0&0\\0&0&1&0\\0&0&0&1\\0&0&0&0\end{matrix}\right)$$ But I'm facing problems in the general procedure to compute the basis for such a matrix?

Best Answer

First, the minimal polynomial is not $\lambda^2$, and it seems to me that Ben's row reduction is wrong.

We have that the characteristic polynomial is $p(\lambda)=\lambda^4$, so, we already know that the jordan matrix will only have the value $0$ on the main diagonal.

Now we want to find the kernel of $(A-0I)=A$, so, reducing matrix $A$, we get

$$\pmatrix{ 3&-1&1&7\\ 9&-3&-7&-1\\ 0&0&4&-8\\ 0&0&2&-4} \leadsto \pmatrix{ 3&-1&0&0\\ 0&0&1&0\\ 0&0&0&1\\ 0&0&0&0} $$

Solving the system is not difficult, $$ \pmatrix{ 3&-1&0&0\\ 0&0&1&0\\ 0&0&0&1\\ 0&0&0&0} \cdot \pmatrix{ x_1\\ x_2\\ x_3\\ x_4} = \pmatrix{ 0\\ 0\\ 0\\ 0} $$ we get, $x_3=x_4=0$ and $3x_1=x_2$, if $x_1=1$, then $x_2=3$, then the base of the kernel is given by the vector, $(1,3,0,0)$. From this, we conclude that the form of jordan has only one block, so it is of the form,


as the exponent of the minimal polynomial can be given by the size of the largest block, we have that the minimal polynomial is $p_m(\lambda)=\lambda^4$

You can go on and find the Jordan base, as follows:

You want to find a vector $v$, so that, $A^3v,A^2v,Av,v$, they are all non-null. Calculating the exponents, we obtain,

$$A^2=\pmatrix{ 0&0&28&-14\\ 0&0&0&126\\ 0&0&0&0\\ 0&0&0&0} \qquad A^3=\pmatrix{ 0&0&84&-168\\ 0&0&252&-504\\ 0&0&0&0\\ 0&0&0&0} $$

note that $e_3$ and $e_4$ are suitable vectors for what we want (because the third and fourth columns do not cancel and $A^4$ is the null matrix), let's choose $e_4$. So,

$$A^3e_4=(-168,-504,0,0)\qquad A^2e_4=(-14,126,0,0)\qquad Ae_4=(7,-1,-8,-4)$$

this way a Jordan base is


it is not a pretty base, but this is a way to resolve the exercise quickly. We have so,

$$P= \pmatrix{ 0&7&-14&-168\\ 0&-1&126&-504\\ 0&-8&0&0\\ 1&-4&0&0} $$

And you can see that this solves the problem, $J=P^{-1}AP$.

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