[Math] Finding domain, range, and level curves of $f(x,y)=\arcsin(6y-5x)$


I will like it if someone helps me out and also checks my work for me for this equation:




$y\geq\frac{5x}{6}-\frac{1}{6}$ and $y\leq\frac{5x}{6}+\frac{1}{6}$

I think the shape of the domain is a region bounded by two lines.


I have no clue how to find the range. I know the range of arcsin is [$\frac{−π} {2}$ , $\frac{π}{2}$].

Level Curves

Not very good at this either haha. This is what I did:


$6y-5x=\sin k$

I did some test points:

$k=0$: $y=\frac{5}{6}x + 0$

$k=1$: $y=\frac{5}{6}x+\frac{\sin1}{6}$

$k=2:$ $y=\frac{5}{6}x+\frac{\sin2}{6}$

I think that these are unequal parallel lines because $\frac{\sin1}{6}-0 = 0.14$ and $\frac{\sin2}{6}-\frac{\sin1}{6} = 0.011$.

Boundary of Domain

I think the boundary is two lines

Open set, closed set, neither, or both for Domain

I think the domain is a closed set.

Is domain bounded or unbounded

I think the domain is bounded.

I will really appreciate if you helped me on this problem with the range and check my answers and tell me what I did wrong. I feel like I am not very good at these (I take so long to do them).

Thank you, and you might see similar questions like these in the future.

Best Answer

The domain of $f$ consists of lines of the form $y_k = \frac{5x}{6} + k$, where $k \in [-\frac{1}{6},\frac{1}{6}]$, so since $f(x,\frac{5x}{6}+k) = \sin^{-1}(6(\frac{5x}{6}+k) - 5x)) = \sin^{-1}(5x + 6k - 5x) = \sin^{-1}(6k)$. As $k$ ranges from $\frac{-1}{6}$ to $\frac{1}{6}$, the value $6k$ ranges from $-1$ to $1$. You should verify this. So the range of $f$ is $[-\frac{\pi}{2},\frac{\pi}{2}]$.