[Math] Finding best response function with probabilities (BR) given a normal-matrix representation of the game

economicsgame theory

We are given players 1, 2 and their respective strategies (U, M, D for player 1, L, C, R for player 2) and the corresponding pay-offs through the following table:

1|2 & L & C & R\\
U & 10, 0 & 0, 10 & 3, 3 \\
M & 2,10 & 10, 2 & 6, 4\\
D & 3, 3 & 4, 6 & 6, 6

Player 1 holds a belief that player 2 will play each of his/her strategies with frequency $\frac{1}{3}$, in other words $\alpha_2$=($\frac{1}{3}, \frac{1}{3}, \frac{1}{3}$). Given this, I need to find best response $BR_1(\alpha_2)$ for player 1. I am wondering how to do this mathematically. I have an intuitive way, and am not sure if it is correct. I think that if player 2 chooses $L$, player 1 is better off choosing $U$, anf if player 2 chooses $C$ or $R$ player 1 is better off choosing $M$, so best response for player 1 given his/her beliefs about player 2 would be $(\frac{1}{3}, \frac{2}{3}, 0)$, but I do not know if this is correct and how to get an answer mathematically (though I think it could involve derivatives which I would have to take to see what probability value would maximize the pay-off, just can't think of a function).

Best Answer

Why don't you compute the average payoff for player #1 for each of his three choices? Clearly he's going to choose the one that is largest.