[Math] Finding area via double integrals, transformation and change of variables.


Find the area of the closed region D formed by the lines $x + y = c$ ,
$x + y = d$, $y = ax$, and $y = bx$ where $(0 < c < d, 0 < a < b)$ by first transforming it into a rectangle with area D' with sides d – c and b – a in the u-v plane and then via double integration.

Attempt at a solution: I found the variable relationship to be $x=\frac{u}{1+v}$ and $y=\frac{\left(u\cdot v\right)}{1+v}$ but am unable to form the double integral as the closed region D seems to be neither horizontally nor vertically simple.
Graphical representation of the regions

Best Answer

If the region is neither horizontally nor vertically simple, you have not succeeded in transforming it into a rectangle.

Start with $(x,y)$

enter image description here

Transform $(x,u=y+x)$

enter image description here

We'd like to map the red and green lines to vertical lines, say to $v=c$ and $v=d$ respectively, so transform $(v=\frac{(d-c) \left(x-\frac{u}{a+1}\right)}{\frac{u}{b+1}-\frac{u}{a+1}}+c , u)$

enter image description here

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