[Math] Finding area bounded by 2 lines/curves by integration


When finding area bounded by 2 lines/curves by integration, I believe I 1st need to find the intersection point


$y=1-x$, $y=\sqrt{1+x}$

$1-x = \sqrt{1+x}$


So $x=0 \text{ or } -3$

Question is can I say

$$\text{area} = -\int^0_{-3}{(x^2+3x) \space dx}$$

I got a feeling its wrong? But why? It appears to me like I am "merging" 2 lines/curves, but that feels wrong …

Best Answer

Let's observe picture bellow.Total area $A$ is represented as sum of blue and yellow area:

$A=A_1+A_2$ , where $A_1=\int\limits_{-1}^{0} \sqrt{1+x}\, dx$ ,and $A_2=\int\limits_{0}^{1} (1-x) \, dx$

So we have that:


enter image description here