[Math] Finding an inverse for a binary operation

binary operations

Note "(* )" is an arbitrary binary operation
The questions is:

Let S be a set with an associative binary operation (*) and assume that e $\in$ S is the unit for the operation.

a) Show that the inverse for the element $s_1$ (* ) $s_2$ is given by $s_2^{-1}$ (* ) $s_1^{-1}$

b) Show that every element has at most one inverse. Hint: Assume that there are two inverses and prove that they have to be the same.

I think the key of this problem these two definitions:

$s$ (* ) $e$ = $s$ and $s$ (* ) $s^{-1}$ = $e$

I literally spent hours trying to solve this equation I tried several things but at the end it looked like nonsense, basically saying

($s_1$ (* ) $s_2$) (* ) $x$ = $e$
where $x$ is the inverse we substitute $s_1^{-1}$ (* ) $s_2^{-1}$ for $x$ and we get the inverse and since we have the identity as the result. However that doesn't seem very logical and in the question it doesn't say its commutative so I can't just swap $s_1^{-1}$ and $s_2^{-1}$ to get $s_2^{-1}$ (* ) $s_1^{-1}$.


Note (* ) is an arbitrary binary operation

Best Answer

HINT: (I will write simply $s*t$.)

  • Use associativity repeatedly to simplify $(s_1*s_2)*(s_2^{-1}*s_1^{-1})$. First step: $$\color{crimson}(s_1*s_2\color{crimson})*(s_2^{-1}*s_1^{-1})=s_1*\color{crimson}{\big(}s_2*(s_2^{-1}*s_1^{-1}\color{crimson}{\big)}\;.$$

  • If $t_1$ and $t_2$ are both inverses of $s$, calculate $t_1*s*t_2$ in two different ways.