[Math] Finding all possible $n\times n$ matrices with non-negative entries and given row and column sums.


What I am ultimately attempting to do is find the solution that maximizes a given equation so I need to find all possible solutions so I can check them. I need all possible solutions to an $n \times n$ matrix, given the row and column totals. All values must be non-negative. Other than that the row and sum columns are the only constraints.

Best Answer

It might be interesting to mention the RSK correspondence (although it might not be of sufficient help if $n$ is really very large). It gives an algorithmic bijection between the set of non-negative integer matrices with column and rows sums $\alpha,\beta$ respectively (these are vectors of non-negative integers) and pairs $(P,Q)$ of equal shape semistandard Young tableaux of respective weights $\alpha,\beta$. Therefore the number of matrices is given by $$ \sum_\lambda K_{\lambda,\alpha}K_{\lambda,\beta} $$ where $\lambda$ is a partition of $\sum\alpha=\sum\beta$, and $K_{\lambda,\alpha}$ is the number of semistandard Young tableaux of shape $\lambda$ and weight $\alpha$, which is a Kostka number. This at least gives a method to count the number of matrices that is much more efficient than enumerating them all (because of the product in the formula and the fact that the $K_{\lambda,\alpha}$ are non-negative). There are no really simple formulas for computing Kostka numbers, but since they are weight multiplicities, there is a recursive formula that computes them again much more efficiently than by counting semistandard Young tableaux.