[Math] Finding a vector that has 0 curl and 0 div


SO as stated, I am trying to find a vector $\vec F$such that
$$\nabla \times \vec F=0$$
$$\nabla \cdot \vec F=0$$
The way I go about it is:

Becasue curl is 0, we know that $\vec F=\nabla f$ so the divergence equation then becomes
$$\nabla ^2f=0$$
Which I then say $f=A(x)B(y)C(z)$, which results in me getting the following function f:

so $\vec F=\nabla f$,
Which has 0 curl, but nonzero div. Sad face

Best Answer

There are many ways to generate harmonic functions.

One way is as the poster suspected by looking at functions of the form:

$$f(x) = \cos(p x) \cosh(q y) \cos( r z)$$

By direct substitution, it is easy to see $$\nabla^2 f(x) = (q^2 - p^2 - r^2) f(x)$$

If one has choose $p, q, r$ such that $q^2 - p^2 - r^2 = 0$, e.g.

$$p = r = 1 \quad\text{ and }\quad q = \sqrt{2},$$ then we get a $f$ that is harmonic, i.e. $\displaystyle\nabla^2 f = 0$.

We can also generate polynomials that is harmonic. The simplest way is to observe:

$$\begin{cases} \frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2} (x \pm iy)^n = \;\;n(n-1)(x \pm iy)^{n-2}\\ \frac{\partial^2}{\partial y^2} (x\pm iy)^n = -n(n-1)(x\pm iy)^{n-2} \end{cases}$$

This implies $\displaystyle\quad\nabla^2 ( x \pm i y)^n = 0\quad$ and hence $$\phi(x) = (x + iy)^n + (x - iy)^n$$

is a polynomial that is harmonic. By a orthogonal transformation of $(x,y,z)$ and through linear combinations, you can generate other polynomials of degree $n$ that is harmonic and homogenous in $(x,y,z)$.

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