[Math] Finding a solution of a non-square linear system with SVD

linear algebramatricesmatrix equationspseudoinversesvd

According to this solution, it seems that it's possible to find one solution of a non-square linear system that has infinitely many solutions with the following method.

  1. Write the linear system as $A X = B$.
    (A is non invertible, since A is non-square)

  2. Consider the singular value decomposition of $A$:

    $$A = U\ D\ ^t V$$

where $D$ is a $(m, n)$ diagonal matrix with non-negative real numbers on the diagonal.

  1. Let $\Delta$ be a $(m, n)$ diagonal matrix, with:

    $\Delta_{i,i} = 0$ if $D_{i,i} = 0$
    $\Delta_{i,i} = \frac{1}{D_{i,i}}$ if $D_{i,i} \neq 0$

  2. One solution of the initial linear system is given by:

$$ X= V\ \Delta\ ^tU\ B$$

Is this true in general? (it seems to be true at least for this example). How can you prove this?

Note: It seems that $A^+ = V\ \Delta\ ^tU$ is the pseudoinverse of the matrix $A$, see this article.

PS: Here are some ideas but I'm looking for a real proof.

Note2: It seems that this problem is in fact made of 2 steps:

  1. Prove that if $A = U \Sigma ^tV$ is the SVD of $A$, then $A^+ = V \Sigma^+\, ^tU$ respects the conditions defining the pseudo inverse, i.e. $A A^+ A = A$, $A^+ A A^+ = A^+$, and the fact that $A^+ A$ and $A A^+$ are symmetrical matrices.

  2. Prove that if $(1) A X = B$ has infinitely many solutions, then $X = A^+ B$ is a solution of (1), i.e. we have to prove that $A A^+ B = B$.

Best Answer

If we have the SVD $A=UDV^*$, with $U$, $V$ unitary, $D$ diagonal, then the matrix $V\Delta U^*$ (with $\Delta$ as in your post) is equal to the Moore-Penrose inverse of $A$: For instance $$ A(V\Delta U^*)A = UDV^*(V\Delta U^*)UDV^*=UD\Delta DV^*=UDV^*=A, $$ since $D\Delta D=D$. All other properties can be verified similarly.

If $Ax=b$ is solvable, i.e., there is $x_0$ such that $Ax_0=b$, then $A^+b$ is a solution: $$ A(A^+b) = AA^+Ax_0 = Ax_0=b $$ by the properties of the Moore-Penrose inverse.