[Math] Finding a Coordinate on a circle using radius, angle, and origin

circlespolar coordinatestrigonometry

I am trying to calculate a point on a circle using an angle and a different point.


With this picture, I know the origin O, the radius r, the angle A, and the point B. Now I want to find the point C. How could I do this? (Note: the origin is not at (0,0))

Best Answer

There are several different approaches you can take. Since you're asking about trigonometry and polar coordinates, here's an approach:

  1. Find the angle to B from the horizontal.
  2. Find the angle to C by subtracting A.
  3. Find C using its angle with r

The angle to B can be found with $\theta_B = \sin^{-1}(B_y/B_x)$ where $B_y$ is the $y$ coordinate of B.

Then the angle to C is $\theta_C = \theta_B - A$

Finally, $C = (C_x,C_y) = (r \cos(\theta_C), r \sin(\theta_C)) $

If your origin $O$ is not at $(0,0)$, you can shift the whole thing down so that $O$ is temporarily at $(0,0)$, then you just shift your result back by the opposite amount.