[Math] Finding a branch of complex logarithm $\log(z)$ with parabola branch cut

complex numberscomplex-analysis

Find a branch of $\log(z)$ on domain $\mathbb{C}\setminus T$ where $T=\{x+iy:x\ge 0, y=x^2\}$

I know the branch cut will be a parabola, branch cuts are usually rays, and my prof. did explain it briefly but could someone explain it in more detail? Greatly appreciated, thanks!

Best Answer

Given a point $z=re^{i\theta}$, not on the parabola, with $0\le\theta\lt2\pi$, imagine starting at $(r,0)$ and going around the circle of radius $r$ counterclockwise until you get to $z$. If you get to $z$ without crossing the parabola, define $\log z=\log r+i\theta$. If you cross the parabola before you get to $z$, define $\log z=\log r+i(\theta-2\pi)$.

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