[Math] Find volume of tetrahedron bounded by $x=0$,$y=0$,$z=0$ and the plane $z=1+x-y$.


I want to find the Volume of a tetrahedron which is bounded by $x=0$,$y=0$,$z=0$ and the plane $z=1+x-y$.

I know I have to find the region formed by the bounds above and then calculate the integral $\int_RzdA$.
My question is how can I work to find the region components which I will use in the integral?

Best Answer

HINT.....Do you need to use calculus? The volume of a tetrahedron with neighbouring edge vectors $\underline{a}, \underline{b}, \underline{c}$ is $$|\frac 16\underline{a}\cdot(\underline{b}\times\underline{c})|$$