[Math] Find unknown vertex of triangle given area and other 2 vertices


I need to find the coordinates of the 3rd vertex of a triangle given that I know the other 2 vertices and the area. The triangle is not guaranteed to be of any particular type (right, isosceles, acute, etc..).

Known vertex 1 will have coords (x1,y1)

known vertex 2 will have coords (x2,y2)

unknown vertex 3 will have coords (?, y2) or (x2, ?), in other words one part of the coordinate is the same as that in vertex 2.


Best Answer

You're given one side, so you can calculate the length of that side. Next, you use the formula for area of a triangle to determine the height of the triangle. Finally, you set up the expression to calculate the distance from a point to a line using the known coordinate and the height you just calculated.

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