[Math] Find the volume of the solid formed by rotating about the $x$-axis


Find the volume of the solid formed by rotating the region enclosed by the curves $y=(e^ x) + 2$, $y=0$ , $x=0$, and $x=0.7$ about the $x$-axis

I set up the equations as follows using the washer method. I'm not sure if I'm setting it up right or using the correct method.

$$\int_0^{0.7} \pi (e^x+2)^2dx$$

Best Answer

As this just got bumped from the homepage and @AlexR' answer is not correct, here the correct answer

\begin{align*} A & = \pi \int_0^{0.7} (e^x + 2)^2\ dx = \pi \left( \int_0^{0.7} e^{2x}\ dx + 4 \int_0^{0.7} e^x\ dx + 4\int_0^{0.7}dx\right)\\ & = \pi \left( \int_0^{0.7} e^{2x}\ dx + 4 \int_0^{0.7} e^x\ dx + 4\cdot0.7 \right)\\ & = \pi \left( \frac12 \int_0^{1.4} e^x\ dx + 4\int_0^{0.7} e^x\ dx + 2.8\right)\qquad \qquad(u=2x,du=2dx)\\ & = \pi \left( \frac12 \left(e^{1.4}-e^0\right) + 4\left(e^{0.7}-e^0\right) + 2.8 \right) \\ & \approx 26.3347\ldots \end{align*}

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