[Math] Find the volume of the solid bounded by $z=x^2, y=3, z=4$


Find the volume of the solid bounded by $z=x^2, y=3, z=4$

$4=x^2 \rightarrow x=\pm2$

$\displaystyle V=\int_{-2}^2\int_0^3x^2dydx=\int_{-2}^2yx^2\Big |_0^3dx=2\int_0^23x^2dx=2\Big[x^3\Big|_0^2=16$

Please let me know if my solution is correct, thank you!

Best Answer

Yes your solution would be correct if we assumed that $0\le y\le 3$. In fact, by doing a plot, we could see that the $xy-$ area that you took is as follows:

enter image description here

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