[Math] Find the vertex of the parabola whose focus is $(2,3)$. Also, $x-$axis is the tangent and $y-$axis is the normal to that parabola.

conic sections

Try no$(1):$ first wrote general 2nd degree curve and tried to subsitute the conditions such as $h^2 = ab$ where $ax^2 +by^2 + 2hxy +2gx+2fy+c=0$ is the general 2nd degree curve.
Failed when tried to substitute tangent and normal conditons.

Try no$(2):$ wrote 2nd degree conic equation and then partially differentiated to get the centre of the conic but then failed to find the value of the vertex because of the denominator part missing.
Kindly help me please!

Best Answer

One way to get such a parabola is to require the origin to be the tangent point to the $x$-axis, so that the $y$-axis automatically is normal there: Let $(x-2)^2+(y-3)^2=(ax+by+c)^2$ with $a^2+b^2=1$ be our equation. Then expanding we get:


Now for the parabola to be tangent to the $x$-axis at the origin the constant term must vanish (since the origin is on the parabola) and the coefficient of $x$ must vanish since the tangent cone should be a multiple of $y$ alone (since $y=0$ defines the $x$-axis):

$$c^2=13, ac=-2\text{ remembering } a^2+b^2=1.$$

Analysing this and skipping the solution that leads to a degenerate conic we get

$$(x-2)^2+(y-3)^2=\frac{(3y-2x+13)^2}{13}$$ i.e. $(3x+2y)^2=156y$ and the vertex of this is the intersection with the axis $3x+2y=12$: $$(\frac{44}{13},\frac{12}{13}).$$

Edit: By @amd's observation we're done.