[Math] Find the values of x where curve is concave


This is a question found in an A-Level math book.

Given a curve

$$f(x) = \frac{\cos2x}{e^x}, 0\le x\le\pi$$

Determine the interval where $f(x)$ is concave.

According to the math book:

The function $f(x)$ is concave on a given interval if and only if $f''(x) \le 0$ for every $x$ in that interval.


The point at whitch a curve changes from being concave to convex is called a point of inflection.

A point of inflection is a point at which $f''(x)$ changes sign.

Hence, to calculate the interval, I first calculates the second derivative of $f(x)$:


From this point and onwards, I can either use the definition of concavity or the definition of the point of inflection to find the interval.

Using the definition of concavity

Set $f''(x) \le 0$:

$$\therefore\frac{4\sin2x-3\cos2x}{e^x} \le 0 $$
$$\because e^x > 0$$
$$\therefore4\sin2x-3\cos2x \le 0$$
$$\therefore\tan2x \le 0.75$$
Hence, the answer is
0\le &x \le-0.322\\
\pi/4\le &x \le1.892\\
0.75\pi\le &x\le\pi\\

Using the definiton of point of inflection

The point of inflection is at $x=0.322$ and $x=1.892$.

And from the first derivative, one can find a local minimal at $x=1.34$ meaning the curve between the two point of inflection is convex.

Hence, the answer is
0\le &x \le-0.322\\
1.892\le &x\le\pi\\

Which one is correct? And why is the other incorrect?


I think both approaches are valid, but a mistake is produced when I divide $sin$ by $cos$ in the first answer. Is it because $\cos2x < 0$ when $0.25\pi< x <0.75\pi$, so $\le$ needs to be changed to $\ge$? i.e.

\tan2x \le 0.75, &0\le x<0.25\pi \text{ and } 0.75< x<\pi\\
\tan2x \ge 0.75, &0.25\pi <x<0.75\pi\\

Solving this gives the second answer.

Best Answer

The correct answer is \begin{align} 0\le &x \le0.322\\ 1.892\le &x\le\pi\\ \end{align}

A proper way to solve the inequity,

$$4\sin2x-3\cos2x \le 0$$

is to follow the steps below,

$$5 \left( \sin2x\cdot \frac 45 - \cos2x\cdot \frac 35 \right) \le 0$$

$$ \sin2x \cos\theta - \cos2x \sin\theta \le 0$$

where $\theta = \arccos(4/5) = 0.6435$. Thus,



$$-\pi\le 2x-0.6425\le0, \>\>\> \pi\le 2x-0.6425 \le 2\pi$$

Thus, with the given range $0\le x\le \pi$, the solution is,

$$ 0\le x \le0.322, \>\>\> 1.892\le x\le\pi $$

which can also be verified from the attached plot. enter image description here

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