[Math] Find the smallest positive integer divisible by 63 such that the sum of its digits is also divisible by 63.


TASK: Find the smallest positive integer divisible by 63 such that the sum of its digits is also divisible by 63.

MY WORK: Let the number be $A=\overline{x_n x_{n-1} x_{n-2} \cdots x_1 x_0}$. Since $63|(x_n+x_{n-1}+\cdots+x_1+x_0)$, we have that $x_n+x_{n-1}+\cdots+x_0\ge63\cdots(*)$ and since $x_0,x_1,\cdots,x_n$ are n+1 digits, we have that
$x_n+x_{n-1}+\cdots+x_0\le9+9+\cdots+9=9(n+1)$ which then means that
$9(n+1)\ge63\Leftrightarrow n+1\ge7$ i.e that the number $A$ has at least seven digits. If it has $7$ digits, all of them would have to be $9$ to satisfy the inequality $(*)$ which would mean that $A=9999999$. But then the condition $63|A$ would not be satisfied. So the number A doesn't have seven digits – it has at least eight digits.

However, I do not know where to go from here.

Best Answer

Assume the the number is $1$ with 6 $9$s and one $8$.

Now $19999999\equiv 5\pmod 7$

If we subtract $10^k $ we will get aus a number with a $1$ , 6$9$ and one $8$ anda different equivalence. so we need to find the $10^k\equiv 5\mod 7$.

$10\equiv 3$

$100\equiv 30\equiv 2$

$1000\equiv 20\equiv 6$

$10,000\equiv 60\equiv 4$

$100,000 \equiv 40\equiv 5$

So $19,999,999-100,000=19,899,999\equiv 0\pmod 7$.

And that's that. It's digits add to $63$ so it's divisible by $9$ and it's divisible by $7$. And beginning with $1$ and the only such divisible by $7$ it's the smallest such number.


I thought I made it clear why this is the smallest.

No element with $7$ digits or fewer exist as the OP figured out. For a group with $8$ digits the smallest would start with a $1$. If you have an $8$ digit number beginning with $1$ and whose digits add to $63$ the remaining digits must be six $9$s and one $8$. Such a number can be written as $19,999,999 - 10^k$ where $0\le k \le 7$. For such a number to be divisible by $63$ we must have $10^k \equiv 5 \pmod 7$. The ONLY such $k$ is $k = 5$ and $10^k =100,000$ and the number is $19,899,999$. So this is the only such number divisible by $63$ whose digits add to $63$ in the smallest possible category of types of numbers that can have such numbers. So this is the smallest such number.