[Math] Find the shortest distance between the point and a parabola

algebra-precalculusconic sectionsparametric

Find the shortest distance between the point $(p,0)$, where $p> 0$, and the parabola $y^2=4ax$, where $a>0$, in the different cases that arise according to the value of $p/a$.
[You may wish to use the parametric coordinates $(at^2, 2at)$ of points on the parabola]

Hence find the shortest distance between the circle $(x-p)^2 +y^2 = b^2$, where $p>0$ and $b>0$ and the parabola $y^2=4ax$, where $a>0$, in the different cases that arise according to the values of $p, a, b$.

I don't have much clue here – as usual I started off to find $\dfrac {dy}{dx}$ of the parametric equation = $\dfrac 1 t$

So the normal grad is $-t$ and it passes through $(p, 0)$.

Or we have two parallel lines consisting of
$$y=\dfrac 1 t x – \dfrac 1 t p$$
$$y=\dfrac 1 t x – at$$

and find the shortest distance between them.
I know
$$-t = \dfrac {-2at}{p -at^2} $$ and I tried to find t in terms of p and a,
But the distance between them using the equation
$$d = \dfrac{\left| d2-d1 \right|}{\sqrt {m^2 + 1}}$$
Gets really messy and does not seem to give what the solution paper says:

Shortest distance is $p$ if $p < 2$ and is $2\sqrt{a(p-a)}$ if $\dfrac p a \geq 2$.

Is there a quick way of doing this?

Further, in the previous part of this question

The line $L$ has equation $y=mx+c$, where $m>0$ and $c>0$. Show that, in the case $mc>a>0$, the shortest distance between L and the parabola $y^2 = 4ax$
$$\dfrac {mc-a}{m\sqrt{m^2 +1}}$$

I solved it using that $d$ equation I found from the Wikipedia. It is not given in the formula book so I think I am supposed to find an alternative way of solving it. (Or derive it on my own)

Equating two normal equations and comparing it to the original equation gives a point $(\dfrac a {m^2}, \dfrac {2a} {m})$

nNw $$d = \sqrt {(\dfrac a {m^2} – x)^2+{(\dfrac {2a} {m} – (mx +c)})^2}$$

Differentiating to find the maximum value gives :
$$=> x = \dfrac {c-\dfrac {2a}{m} – \dfrac {a}{m^2}}{m+1}$$

Again it becomes very messy when I put this $x$ back in to the equation to find $d$.
Is there a better way of doing this?

I know this block of text here may put off some people, but I wanted to show my working as much as possible.
Many thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Minimize for $t$



Then $$t=0\lor\left(p\ge2a\land at^2=p-2a\right),$$

The first case gives

$$d^2=p^2,$$ and the second $$d^2=4a(p-a).$$

Take the smallest of the two.

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