[Math] Find the set of values of $\lambda$ for which the equation $|x^2-4|x|-12|=\lambda$ has 6 distinct real roots


Find the set of values of $\lambda$ for which the equation $|x^2-4|x|-12|=\lambda$ has 6 distinct real roots

My Approach:


Case 1:


  • If $x\geq 0$

  • If $x<0$

Case 2:


  • If $x\geq 0$

  • If $x<0$

Now, we know the equation has 6 distinct real roots. So either only 3 equations have real roots which are all distinct too, or, some roots are common. I don't now how to solve further and I need a hint to proceed.

Best Answer

$\lambda$ must obviously be non-negative. Then assume

  • $x\ge0$ and

    1. $x^2-4x-12-\lambda=0$. The roots are $x=2\pm{\sqrt{16+\lambda}}$, but only the $+$ sign is valid. For all $\lambda$, one root.

    2. $x^2-4x-12+\lambda=0$. The roots are $x=2\pm{\sqrt{16-\lambda}}$. They are both positive and distinct for $12<\lambda<16$.

  • $x\le0$ and

    1. $x^2+4x-12-\lambda=0$. The roots are $x=-2\pm{\sqrt{16+\lambda}}$, but only the $-$ sign is valid. For all $\lambda$, one root.

    2. $x^2+4x-12+\lambda=0$. The roots are $x=-2\pm{\sqrt{16-\lambda}}$. They are both negative and distinct for $12<\lambda<16$.

In conclusion, for $12<\lambda<16$, there are three positive and three negative roots.