[Math] Find the Set of All Accumulation Points (also called Limit Points) for the given set S.


Find the Set of All Accumulation Points (also called Limit Points) for the given set $S$.

$S = \{a_n:n\in \Bbb{N}\}$ where $a_n = \left\{ \begin{array}{c} 0\text{, if } n \text{ is odd} \\ \dfrac{n}{n+1}\text{, if } n \text{ is even} \end{array} \right..$

In my perspective there are two possible answers.

1) $L(S) = \{0,1\}$

Using the definition of the accumulation or limit point, of a sequence. The number $a$ is said to be an accumulation point of $(a_n)$ if there exists a subsequence such that the limit of the subsequence is equal to $a$.

2) $L(S) = \{1\}$

Using the definition of the accumulation or limit point of a set.

The point $a$ is an accumulation point of the set $S$ if each neighborhood of $a$ contains a point of $S$, other than $a$.

$1$ is the only accumulation point because not all the neighborhoods of $0$ contain a point of the set $S$ other than $0$.

As the question mentions "the given set $S$", I vote for the second answer.

What do you think?

Best Answer

The critical question is whether $S$ is a set or a sequence. You call it a set, but defining values for $a_n$ for all $n$ makes it sound like a sequence. If it is a set, it can have only one member $0$. If it is a sequence, all the odd positions are $0$. As a sequence, it has an accumulation point at $0$ and an accumulation point at $1$ because you can select a subsequence converging to each of those two points. It does not have a limit because there are members of the sequence with arbitrarily high indices that are far from $0$ and others that are far from $1$. As a set, the only accumulation point is $1$. Sets are not considered to have limits because they lack the concept of order.