[Math] Find the roots of a polynomial using its companion matrix


I would like to find the roots of a polynomial using its companion matrix.

The polynomial is ${p(x) = x^4-10x^2+9}$

The companion matrix $M$ is

0 & 0 & 0 & -9 \\
1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & 1 & 0 & 10 \\
0 & 0 & 1 & 0

A theorem says that the eigenvalues of $M$ are the roots of $p(x)$. I tried to find the characteristic polynomial of $M$ but it turned out to be $p(x)$. What should I do to obtain the eigenvalues of $M$?

Best Answer

Since $p(x)$ is biquadratic, then if $\alpha$ is root, it follows that $-\alpha$ also is a root.

Looking at $M$ you can notice that if you sum the entries of each column, you'll always get $1$. This implies $1$ is an eigenvalue. (Do you know why?).

You have two roots now.

Continue with long division to find the remaining roots.

If you want to use the matrix to find all eigenvalues, recall that $\det (M)$ is the product of all eigenvalues. You can easily compute $\det (M)$ through expansion along the fourth column to find $\det (M)=9$.

Use the first sentence in my answer again to find the other eigenvalues.