[Math] Find the range of values of $k$ such that $kx^2+8x+3k<2$ for all real values of $x$


Find the range of values of k such that $kx^2+8x+3k<2$ for all real values of x

I found two answers, $k\le\frac 83$ or $k\le-2$
However, the teacher told me the answer is $k\le-2$
I hope someone can solve my problem, your solution is appreciated.

Steps here.

Best Answer

The first thing that comes to my mind after seeing the inequality is to make the RHS $0$. So, we get the inequality $$kx^2 + 8x + 3k - 2 < 0$$ Let $f(x) = kx^2 + 8x + 3k - 2$

Since all the values that $f(x)$ would return for $f : X \rightarrow Y$ where $X , Y \in \mathbb{R}$ are less than $0$, the parabola that the function would form would lie below the $x$- axis (as stated by Crostul).

Another observation that one makes is that if $k > 0$ then the shape of the parabola would be like this $\cup$. This would mean that the graph would cross the $x$- axis at some point (which should not happen since the function returns all values less than $0$). So, it must be noted that $k < 0$.
As the shape of the parabola is $\cap$ and it lies below the $x$- axis, it is clear that the function will have no real zeroes i.e. discriminant ($D$) must be less than $0$. $$8^2 - 4k(3k - 2) < 0$$ On simplifying further, we get $$(-3k + 8)(k + 2) < 0$$

Since the product of both the factors is less than $0$ $\therefore -3k + 8 < 0$ or $k + 2 < 0$ ($\because$ product of two numbers is negative if one of it is negative).

So, we get 2 sets of values for $k$ $$k > \frac{8}{3}$$$$k < -2$$

Since we know that $k < 0$,

$\therefore$ the answer is only $k < -2$.