[Math] Find the range of $f(x) = \sqrt{\log(\cos(\sin x))}$


Find the range of the function

What I did was:

$$\log(\cos(\sin(x))) \geq 0$$
$$\log_e\cos(\sin(x)) \geq 0$$
The next step of the problem is
$$\cos(\sin(x)) \geq e^0$$
This is the part I didn’t understand. Please explain it to me.

Best Answer

Note that $\sqrt{\log(\cos(\sin(x)))}$ is defined if and only if $\cos(\sin(x))\geq 1$ otherwise we have the square root of a negative number. Now since the cosine function is upper bounded by $1$, $\cos(\sin(x))$ has to be $1$ (such equality holds for example when $x=0$). So what is the range of the given function?