[Math] Find the radius of a circle given only the length of a chord and its segment.


Suppose that in the following diagram, I am only given c and s, the lengths of a chord and its segment.

Is it possible to find the exact value of the radius using c and s?

Every formula I found involves using h (distance from centre of chord to centre of the arc) or theta but I am only given c and s. Is there a simple way to find h or theta then use it to find R?

enter image description here

Best Answer



Dividing we get,

$$\frac{c}{s} = \frac{\sin(t)}{t}$$

where $t=\theta/2$ and so $0< t < \pi/2$. Since $\sin(x)/x$ is 1-1 on $(0,\pi/2)$, a unique solution $t$ exists (assuming $2s/\pi < c < s$) and $R = \frac{s}{2t}$