[Math] Find the probablity that a sum of 7 is rolled before a sum of 8 is rolled.


In rolling a pair of a fair dice, what is the probability that a sum of $7 $is rolled before a sum of $8$ is rolled?

I've seen the answer from other's question that I can solve it like this:

Suppose A is the event that '$7$ is rolled'. $B$ is the event that '8 is rolled'.

According to total law of probability,
$P(A$ before $B)=P(A$ before$B|A$ happens first$)\cdot P(A$ happens first$)+P(A $before $B|B$ happens first$)\cdot P(B$ happens first$)+P(A$ before $B|A$ happens first$)\cdot P($neither A nor B happens first$)$
Suppose $P(A$ before $B)=r$

We can get an equation $$r=1\cdot\frac{1}{6}+0\cdot\frac{5}{36}+r\cdot(1-\frac{1}{6}-\frac{5}{36})$$

But can I also solve this problem using geometric series?

Here's my solution:

Let $C$ be the event '$7$ is rolled at $n$-th trial' and $D$ be the event '$8$ is rolled after $n$-th trial'.

$P(A$ before $B)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}(\frac{5}{6})^{n-1}\cdot\frac{1}{6}\cdot(\frac{31}{36})^{n}=0.508$

So which of this two methods should I use to figure out the probability?

Best Answer

Just look at the first time that a seven or an eight is rolled and neglect everything else.

For that situation you must calculate the probability that a seven shows up.

So actually to be calculated is the probability: $$\mathsf P(\text{seven rolled}\mid\text{seven rolled or eight rolled})=\frac{\frac6{36}}{\frac6{36}+\frac5{36}}=\frac6{11}$$