[Math] Find the probability that “At least one person…” with multiple variables.

bayes-theoremconditional probabilityprobabilitystatistics

I have a statistics problem and, although I have solved most of it, I am stuck for quite some time in the last question.

Say that there we have a population where the analogy of men to women is θ. Suppose that the probability of a woman being colorblind is $q^2$ and the probability of a man being colorblinf $q$.

Up to now I have found, if choosing one random person, the probability of him/her being colorblind and also that probability of a person being a man, given that he is colorblind. However, now I can't find a way to approach this question:

Suppose we choose two people out of the population radomly. What is the probability that at least one person is colorblind?

I was thinking of approaching it by finding the probability of none being colorblind and then finding its compliment, but I can't figure out how to do this, given that we have a different percentage for men and women. Any help on this would be appreciated.
Thank you!

Best Answer

Let there be $m$ men and $w$ women (unfortunately, I also have to assume there are also $0$ non-binary people in this population). We have the following:

$$\frac m w=\theta\rightarrow m=\theta w$$

Thus, the probabilities of being a man or a woman are:

$$P(man)=\frac{m}{m+w}=\frac{\theta w}{\theta w+w}=\frac{\theta}{\theta+1}$$ $$P(woman)=\frac{w}{m+w}=\frac{w}{\theta w+w}=\frac{1}{\theta+1}$$

Now, we are also given the following:

$$P(colorblind | man)=q^2$$ $$P(colorblind | woman)=q$$

Then, we can use the formula $P(A \cap B)=P(B)P(A|B)$ to find the following:

$$P(colorblind \cap man)=P(man)P(colorblind | man)=\frac{q^2\theta}{\theta+1}$$ $$P(colorblind \cap woman)=P(woman)P(colorblind | woman)=\frac{q}{\theta+1}$$

Finally, since man and woman are the only two cases in this population, $woman=man^C$—that is, woman is the complement case of man. Thus, we can use the formula $P(A)=P(A \cap B)+P(A \cap B^C)$ to find:

$$P(colorblind)=P(colorblind \cap man)+P(colorblind \cap woman)=\frac{q^2\theta+q}{\theta+1}$$

And of course, to find the probability is not colorblind, we use $P(A^C)=1-P(A)$:


Now, the probability that at least one person is colorblind has three cases in it:

  • Both people are colorblind -> $P(colorblind)^2$
  • First person is colorblind, second person is not -> $P(colorblind)\cdot P(colorblind^C)$
  • Second person is colorblind, first person is not -> $P(colorblind)\cdot P(colorblind^C)$

Thus, to find the total probability of there being one color blind person, we just add up all of these cases:

$$P(at\ least\ one\ colorblind)=P(colorblind)^2+2P(colorblind)\cdot P(colorblind^C) \\=\frac{(q^2\theta+q)^2+2(q^2\theta+q)(\theta(1-q^2)+1-q)}{(\theta+1)^2}$$

I'll leave doing the algebra to you. Good luck!