[Math] Find the number of ways of arranging the letters


Find the number of ways of arranging the letters $\text{AAAAA, BBB, CCC, D, EE & F}$ in a row if no two $\text{C's}$ are together?

My Attempt:

Well, I should I arrive at the answer if I subtract the cases where 3 $\text{C's}$ and 2 $\text{C's}$ appear together from the total.

Total possibilities $= \frac{15!}{5!3!3!2!}$

Total possibilities where 3 $\text{C's}$ appear $=\frac{13!}{5!3!2!}$

However, I am not able to find the possibilities for 2 $\text{C's}$ being together and get to the answer.

Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

Ignore the C's for the moment and arrange the remaining letters. There are $\frac{12!}{5!3!2!}=332640$ ways to do this.

Now consider the thirteen spaces between and beyond the letters – at most one C may be inserted into each space, so given an arrangement of the other letters there are $\binom{13}3=286$ ways to add C's.

The total number of admissible combinations is thus $332640×286=95135040$.