[Math] Find the number of three elements sets of positive integers $\{a,b,c\}$ such that $a\times b\times c=2310$.


Find the number of three elements sets of positive integers $\{a,b,c\}$ such that $a\times b\times c=2310$.

My attempt:

Now, $2310=2\times 3\times 5\times 7\times 11=a\times b\times c$




where $x_{1}+x_{2}+x_{3}=1$; $x_{1},x_{2},x_{3}$ being non-negative integers.

Number of solutions of this equation clearly $3$ and similarly for other variables as well.

So,number of solutions $=3^5$.

But answer given is $40$ .

Am I misinterpreting the question

Best Answer

$3^5=243$ is the number of ordered triples $\{a,b,c\}$ such that $abc=2310$. We are asked for the number of sets. So (i) $a,b,c$ must all be different; and (ii) their order is irrelevant.

Condition (i) rules out triples $\{1,1,2310\},\{1,2310,1\},$ and $\{2310,1,1\},$ which leaves 240.

Condition (ii) means we should divide this by $3!=6$, because each set corresponds to six triples. So we are left with $40$.