[Math] Find the number of complex numbers $z$ such that $z^{2018} =\overline{z}.$

algebra-precalculuscomplex numberscontest-math

Find the number of complex numbers $z$ such that
$$z^{2018} =\overline{z}.$$

I have the basic idea of plugging in $z$ as $a+bi$ but it seems as if it is a dead end. $(a+bi)^{2018} = a-bi$ doesn't lead me anywhere. I am puzzled at how to start.

Best Answer

If $z^{2018}=\overline z$,$$|z|^{2018}=\bigl|\overline z\bigr|=|z|$$and therefore $|z|=0$ or $|z|=1$. But $|z|=1\implies\overline z=\frac1z$. So, the solutions are $0$ and the complex numbers $z$ such that $z^{2019}=1$. And the solutions of this last equation are the numbers of the form$$\exp\left(\frac{2k\pi i}{2019}\right)\text{, with }k\in\{0,1,\ldots,2018\}.$$