[Math] Find the Nth derivative using Maclaurin series

power seriestaylor expansion

The prompt is to find the 8th derivative of the function f(x) defined as,

$$f(x) = \frac{3}{1+x-2x^2}$$
$$f^{(8)}(0) = ?$$

To find the maclaurin series, I proceeded by finding the derivatives of the function at 0 as follows,

$$f^{(1)}(x) = \frac{ -3 + 12x }{ (1 + x -2x^2)^2 } $$
$$f^{(2)}(x) = \frac{18(4x^2-2x+1)}{(-2x^2+x+1)^3} $$

such that,
$$f(0) = 3$$
$$f^{(1)}(0) = -3$$
$$f^{(2)}(0) = 18$$
$$f^{(3)}(0) = -90$$

This makes the maclaurin series,
$$f(x) = 3 – 3x + \frac{18x^2}{3!} – \frac{90x^3}{4!} + …$$

I understand from the series, we have to have $(-1)^n$ since the negative sign is alternating, also in the denominator we have n!

$$\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac{(-1)^n(x)^n}{n!}$$ but it is incomplete, since I don't see the pattern, I would appreciate I someone can help with completing the series hence finding the 8th derivative.

Best Answer

Here's a hint.

Factor the denominator, and expand via "partial fractions". Then find the series for each term, and sum.