[Math] Find the minimum value of k $(k \in I)$ for which the equation $e^x =kx^2$ has exactly three real solution.


Problem : Find the minimum value of k $(k \in I)$ for which the equation $e^x =kx^2$ has exactly three real solution.

My approach :

We apply log on both sides $x=2\ln(k x^2)$

$\Rightarrow \frac{x}{2} =\ln kx$

$\Rightarrow \frac{x}{2} =\ln k +\ln x$

I am not getting any clue further also whether this is right approach or not please suggest it will be of great help. Thanks.

Best Answer

For $k\le 0$, there will be no real solution at all for $kx^2\le 0<e^x$.

For $k>0$ there will always be exactly one solution with $x\le 0$. For small positive $k$, there is no positive solution, for suitable $k$ the curves will touch and for larger $k$ we have two positive real solutions (so three real solutions in total). We ned to find the boundary case that the curves touch, i.e., find $k>0$ and $x_0>0$ such that the functions and derivative agree at $x_0$: $$ e^{x_0}=kx_0^2\qquad \text{and}\qquad e^{x_0}=2kx_0$$ We conclude $x_0=2$, hence $$\tag1k=\frac{e^2}4.$$ The value given by $(1)$ is the infimum of all $k$ for which there are exactly three distinct real solutions. If we count the tangential case as a solutoin of multiplicity two, then the value given by $(1)$ is also the minimum value of $k$ forwhich there are (with multiplicity) three real solutions.