[Math] Find the midpoint between two points on the circle


I want to place a new point in the middle of the two points which are on the circle outline (Arc). I have the coordinates $(x,y)$ of the center of the circle, the two red points and the radius of the circle. I want to find out the coordinates of the midpoint of the Arc. Is there a formula for this ?

Example: I want the midpoint coordinates between the two red lines.
circle with two points on the line

Best Answer

WLOG, we can let the circle be centered at O(0, 0) with radius = r.

Therefore, the equation of the circle is $x^2 + y^2 = r^2$

M(p, q) is point on this circle implies $p^2 + q^2 = r^2$ ……… (1)

By midpoint formula, $N(r, s) = N(\dfrac {x_1 + x_2}{2}, \dfrac {y_1+ y_2}{2})$

N(r, s) is a point on OK, the line perpendicular to $P_1P_2$. By two-point form, the equation of OK is

$y = \dfrac {y_1 + y_2}{x_1 + x_2}x$

M(p, q) is also a point on OK. Thus,

$q = \dfrac {y_1 + y_2}{x_1 + x_2}p$ ………. (2)

Solving (1) and (2) will give you $p = ± r \dfrac {x_1 + x_2}{\sqrt{(x_1 + x_2)^2 + (y_1 + y_2)^2}}$

The ‘±’ provides two sets of answers for (p of M) and (p’ for M’) as shown.

The corresponding values of q can be found via (2).

Selecting the correct M(p, q) is another story.

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