[Math] Find the maximum & minimum value of complex number.

complex numbers

Let $z_1, z_2, z_3, \ldots, z_{13}$ be real numbers, & let $A$ be the average of
complex numbers $[e^{iz_1}, e^{iz_2}, \ldots ,e^{iz_{13}}]$, where
$i=\sqrt{-1}$. As the value of z's vary over all 13-tuples of real numbers,


i) Maximum value attained by |A|.

ii) Minimum value attained by |A|.

My problem: I know that for a complex no, $x = a+ib$; $|x| = \sqrt{a^2+b^2}$.

But i can not figure out, how to compute | average of the given set of complex no| i.e, |A|.

Please help.

Thank you

Best Answer

Hint: By triangle inequality, then, $$\lvert A\rvert\le\frac1{13}\sum_{k=1}^{13}\left\lvert e^{i z_k}\right\rvert.$$ Since each $z_k$ is real, what can you conclude?

Edit: The kicker, here, is to translate from polar form to rectangular form. In particular, given any real $t,$ we have that $$e^{it}=\cos t+i\sin t,$$ and so Pythagorean Identity lets us explicitly find $\left\lvert e^{it}\right\rvert$ using the definition $\lvert a+ib\rvert=\sqrt{a^2+b^2}$. Can you take it from there?

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