[Math] Find the maximum displacement given trajectory.


I'm trying to find the maximum displacement of a object given the trajectory.
The trajectory is given by the equation:
Looking around online, the closest article I've seen says that the maximum displacement is when $v(t)=0$, and velocity is the derivative of the trajectory (position as a function of time). what I have done is:
$$v(t)=\frac d{dt}[-11.79t^2+25.9t+4.35]$$
Then plugging this into the original equation gives the max displacement as $$displacement=47.02239186$$

Is this even remotely correct? If not, how would one go about finding the max displacement given a trajectory? Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

You have done exactly what was expected, but when you plugged your $t$ into the displacement equation you made an error. Just plugging in $t=1$ we have $p(1)=18.46$