Geometry – Find the Maximum Area of an Equilateral Triangle Inside a Given Square


How can I find the maximum area possible of equilateral triangle that inside a square whose sides have length a.
And how does that triangle look like? Can we construct it (with compass and straightedge)?

enter image description here

Best Answer

The last paragraph at the Mathworld piece on equilateral triangles gives the answer, and cites Madachy, J. S. Madachy's Mathematical Recreations. New York: Dover, pp. 115 and 129-131, 1979.

EDIT (in response to request from Taha Akbari for more detail): Let the square have horizontal and vertical sides. Consider an equilateral triangle with one vertex at the lower left corner, $A$, of the square, and one vertex at the upper left corner, $B$, of the square, and the third vertex, $Z$, inside the square. Now consider moving the triangle vertex at $B$ to the right, toward the upper right corner, $C$, of the square, while moving $Z$ so as to keep the triangle equilateral. This increases the area of the triangle, since it increases the length of the side of the triangle, since the second vertex, $X$, of the triangle is moving away from the first vertex of the triangle.

Eventually, the triangle vertex $Z$ lies on the right side of the square, and you can't move $X$ any farther right without pushing $Z$ outside the square, so you've made the triangle as large as possible. Now the question is, why are the angles $BAX$ and $ZAD$ 15 degrees (where $D$ is the lower right corner of the square)?

The triangles $BAX$ and $ZAD$ are congruent, since $BA=AD$, $AX=AZ$, and the angles at $B$ and $D$ are equal. So the angles $BAX$ and $ZAD$ are equal. But they, together with the 60 degree angle $XAZ$, add up to the 90 degree angle $BAD$. So, they measure 15 degrees.