[Math] Find the matrix of ortogonal reflection

linear algebralinear-transformationsmatricesreflectiontransformation

Let $e_1, e_2, e_3$ be an orthonormal basis for $R^3$ and consider the plane with equation $x_1 + 2x_2 – 2x_3 = 0$. Find the matrix of orthogonal reflection in that plane with respect to the given basis.

So, first I know that an orthogonal reflection satisfies:
1. F is a reflection
2. F is symmetric

So if I could find a transformation matrix, I would easily be able to verify that it is a reflection by the shape of the matrix and by asserting that $A^2 = I$. However, I don't know how to find such a matrix.

Best Answer


I suppose that ${e_i}$ is the standard basis. In this case you can find the matrix from a geometrical construction.

If $\vec u$ is the vector orthogonal to the plane, the projection of a vector $x=[x_1,x_2,x_3]^T$ on $\vec u$ is: $$ \vec v= \frac {\langle \vec x, \vec u \rangle}{|u|^2}\vec u $$ and the reflection of $\vec x$ in the plane gives a vector

$$\vec x'=\vec x - 2 \vec v$$

In your case $\vec u=[1,2,-2]^T$. can you do from this?

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