[Math] Find the locus of the point R on L such that the distances BP,BR and BQ are in harmonic progression.

analytic geometrygeometrylocus

A variable line L passing through the point $B(2,5)$ intersect the
lines $2x^2-5xy+2y^2=0$ at P and Q.Find the locus of the point R on L
such that the distances BP,BR and BQ are in harmonic progression.

I decomposed the pair of straight lines into two lines.But after that I dont know what to do….

Best Answer

Let $R(h, k)$ be the coordinates of the point $R$ then the equation of the line $L$ passing through the points $B(2, 5)$ & $R(h, k)$ is given as $$y-k=\frac{k-5}{h-2}(x-h)$$ $$y=\frac{k-5}{h-2}x+\frac{5h-2k}{h-2}$$

Now, the lines represented by $2x^2-5xy+2y^2=0$ or $(2x-y)(x-2y)=0$ passing through the origin given as $$y=2x, \ y=\frac 12x$$ Now, the intersection point of lines: $y=2x$ & $L$is $P\left(\frac{5h-2k}{2h-k+1},\frac{10h-4k}{2h-k+1}\right)$ & similarly, the intersection point of lines: $y=\frac 12x$ & $L$ is $Q\left(\frac{10h-4k}{h-2k+8},\frac{5h-2k}{h-2k+8}\right)$

Now, using distance formula, one should have
$$BR=\sqrt{(h-2)^2+(k-5)^2}$$ $$BP=\sqrt{\left(\frac{5h-2k}{2h-k+1}-2\right)^2+\left(\frac{10h-4k}{2h-k+1}-5\right)^2}=\frac{\sqrt{(h-2)^2+(k-5)^2}}{2h-k+1}=\frac{BR}{2h-k+1}$$ $$BQ=\sqrt{\left(\frac{10h-4k}{h-2k+8}-2\right)^2+\left(\frac{5h-2k}{h-2k+8}-5\right)^2}=\frac{8\sqrt{(h-2)^2+(k-5)^2}}{h-2k+8}=\frac{8BR}{h-2k+8}$$ Since, $BP, BR, BQ$ are H.P. hence $$BR=\frac{2(BP)(BQ)}{BP+BQ}$$ Now, setting the values, one should get $$BR=\frac{2\frac{BR}{2h-k+1}\frac{8BR}{h-2k+8}}{\frac{BR}{2h-k+1}+\frac{8BR}{h-2k+8}}$$ $$1=\frac{16}{h-2k+8+16h-8k+8}$$ $$17h-10k=0$$ substituting $h=x$ & $k=y$ one should get the locus of point $R$ $$\bbox[5px, border:2px solid #C0A000]{\color{red}{17x-10y=0}}$$