[Math] Find the least positive residue of $40^{128} \mod 49$

elementary-number-theorymodular arithmeticnumber theorytotient-function

Looking for a way to find the least positive residue of $40^{128}\mod 49$ without a calculator. To also use the same technique for $2^{2015} \mod 31$.

What I've done so far is use Euler's totient function with Euler's theorem to narrow it down.

So $\phi(49) = \phi(7^2) = 7^2 – 7 = 42$ and since $\gcd(40,49) = 1$ by Euler's theorem, we have $40^{42} \equiv 1\mod 49$.

So $40^{128} = (40^{42})^3 \cdot 40^2 \equiv 1^3\cdot40^2 \equiv 40^2\mod49$

But from here, I don't know how to simplify this further without just plugging it in somewhere.

Best Answer

Right so $40^{42} \equiv 1 \mod 49$ so $40^{128}\equiv 40^2 \equiv (-9)^2 \equiv 81 \equiv 32 \mod 49$

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