[Math] Find the intersection of a vertical line segment in a circle.


My brother needs help coming up with a formula for a problem that I already did but failed to write out the formula for.

The problem is:

Consider a circle with the point (5,4) and a radius of 3.
Determine if a vertical line segment with the points (3,5) being one end of the segment and (3,1) being the other end of the segment, intersects this circle. List the intersecting points if so.

Again I need help coming up with a simple formula to determine where the line intersects the circle.


Best Answer

The points on the line segment each satisfy an equation and two inequalities,

$$ x=3 \qquad y>1 \qquad y<5. $$

The points on the circle each satisfy the equation,

$$ (x-5)^2+(y-4)^2=9. $$

An intersection of these curves will be an ordered pair, $(x,y)$, which solves both equations and satisfies the inequalities.

Since every point on the vertical line segment has the x-coordinate $x=3$ we will start by substituting $x=3$ into the equation of the circle.

$$ (3-5)^2+(y-4)^2=9 $$

$$ 4 + (y-4)^2 = 9 $$ $$ (y-4)^2=5 $$ $$ y-4=\pm\sqrt5 $$ $$ y=4\pm\sqrt5 $$ $$ y \approx 4 \pm 2.23 $$ $$ y\approx 1.77, 6.23$$

This gives us two ordered pairs $(3,1.77)$ and $(3,6.23)$. These both solve the equations for the circle and the line segment, but only one of them satisfies the inequalities. Since $1<y<5$, only the point $(3,1.77)$ is a valid point of intersection.